KSMKatie Sylor-Miller*

About Me

Me on stage making a funny face

Hi, friends! I'm Katie Sylor-Miller, otherwise known as KSM. I'm a Principal Engineer and Web Tech Lead at Square. Previously I was the Frontend Architect at Etsy. Since 2016 I've been the official Fairy Gitmother at ohshitgit.com. I love speaking, writing, and teaching folks about web performance, design systems, accessibility, and of course, Git! You can check out my resume, read an interview with me on staffeng.com, follow me on Mastodon, (twitter), or connect with me on linkedin.

My bio

Katie Sylor-Miller, Principal Engineer and Web Tech Lead at Square (formerly Frontend Architect at Etsy), has a passion for design systems, web performance, accessibility, frontend infrastructure, and the practice of Staff Engineering. As an invited expert on the W3C Web Performance Working group, she helps to guide browsers towards improving Web Performance APIs. As co-author of the Design Systems Handbook she helped to share best practices for engineering a design system with engineers and designers. She’s spoken about her multitude of specialities at conferences like Performance.now(), Lead Dev Staff+, Smashing, PerfMatters, and JSConf US (to name a few). Beyond her day job, her website ohshitgit.com (and the swear-free version dangitgit.com) has helped millions of people worldwide get out of their Git messes (and has been translated into 28 different languages and counting), and led to a collaboration with Julia Evans of Wizard Zines on an Oh Shit Git Zine.

When she’s not architecting, you can find Katie spending time with her family, skiing, or visiting the country's best tiki bars. Say hi to Katie at @ksylor@front-end.social on Mastodon, and check out her site at sylormiller.com.

Headshot (low-res)

Headshot (high-res)